Port Captain
7 months ago
Part of his main responsibilities are as follows:
- Ensure vessels budgets are followed in connection with food provisions and housekeeping purchase products
- Liaise with Captains and Crew establishing and maintaining positive communication between vessel and office staff, promoting the safety and well-being of Seafaring personnel and property on a day to day basis.
- Brief Masters, Officers and crew before their assignment to vessel, ensuring they are aware of their roles and responsibilities on board, and clearly communicating company expectations.
- Liaising with the Personnel Department regarding all aspects of travel, crew changes and other Personnel issues in conjunction with the Vessel Master. Monitor crew ‘overlap days’.
- Ensure requisitions are sent on time and review vessels Deck and Catering requisition to ensure efficient and economical inventory is maintained.
- Liaising with Purchasing to ensure timely delivery of supplies, and that purchase requisitions are being tracked and expedited in a timely manner. Bringing to the attention of the Team leader any items which have the potential to disrupt operations. Ensure sufficient spares are carried.
- Closely monitor the performance of the bridge team on board, completing regular performance appraisals for the Captains
- Ensure that all ships staff are given an appropriate hand-over and receive familiarization when joining.
- Ensure continuous general wellness and welfare of the crew.
- Conduct regular on-board inspections (Each vessel to be visited monthly). Inspections including the ship’s hull, cargo spaces, deck machineries, safety equipment etc.
- In the event of special requirements to be present on board the vessel for offshore operations.
- Liaising with the Operations Department and Vessel Master with reference to Certification, Safety Equipment and Loose Lifting Gear etc.
- Preparing vessel repair specifications in association with the Engineering superintendent/ Port Engineer.
- Ensure IMCA guidelines and “best industry practices” are adhered to at all times, with regard to vessel DP operations, equipment and personnel requirements.
- Ensure that the fleets’ DP equipment/ Navigational Equipment is in a fully operational state of readiness at all times.