Cytogenetics Technologist
5 days ago
Performs a variety of cytogenetic/chromosomalanalysis in the Clinical Laboratory to obtain accurate data for diagnosis andtreatment of disease.
**Essential Responsibilities and Duties**:
1. Prepares microscopic slidesfrom specimens of scrapings, or other exudates, and fixes them. Stains andmount slides to preserve specimen and enhance visibility of cells under themicroscope.
2. Examines the chromosomespresent in blood, amniotic fluid, and bone marrow using slide preparations andtissue cultures.
3. Uses karyotyping andfluorescent-labelled DNA (FISH technique) to detect gene and chromosomeabnormalities.
4. Analyses chromosomes forprenatal diagnosis, congenital birth defects, fertility problems andhaematological disorders.
5. Counts numbers of chromosomes andidentify the structural abnormalities by viewing culture slides throughmicroscopes, light microscopes, or photomicroscopes or imaging system.
6. Assists in ordering suppliesand maintains the supply inventory system. Operates within cost effective practicesof section.
7. Prepare biological specimenssuch as amniotic fluids, bone marrow, tumours, and blood, for chromosomeexaminations.
8. Obtains and processeslaboratory specimens. Performs analyses, tests, and procedures and maintainsrecords, as per Hospital established Medical Laboratory standards.
9. Operates and maintainslaboratory equipment. Maintains Quality Control programs of the department.
10. Comply with the sectionpolicies, procedures and protocols. follow the section quality improvement programin accordance with CBAHI, JCI, CAP, SFDA and other international accreditationagencies standards.
Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Technology is required.
**Experience Required**:
**Grade 08**:
Two (2) years of experiencein Cytogenetics with Bachelor’s or completion of one (1) year SCDP program in Cytogeneticsat KFSH&RC for Saudi National is required.
**Grade 09**:
Four (4) years as CytogeneticsTechnologist
** **at KFSH&RC, or (Grade 08) relatedexperience is required.
Average of annualperformance appraisal at least (3.5) for the last four (4) years.
Fifty (50) hours of cumulative continued medicaleducation [CME].
**Other Requirements(Certificates)**:
CurrentRegistration from country of origin and Saudi Commission for Health Specialties(SCHS) is required.
Registration as CLSP (Cytogenetics), Technologist(Cytogenetics), AIMLS, AIMS, NZIMLT, Cytogenetics Technologist, or equivalentlicence in country of origin is Preferred.