Pyp Homeroom Teacher
5 days ago
Contract Length: 2 years
Number of Vacancies: 1
Student Level:
- Early Childhood, Elementary
- Licensed Teacher
- Education Required: Bachelor
- Minimum Teaching Experience: 5 years of teaching experience
- Major: Education
- Required Certificates:
- Teaching Credential/License- Other Certification- Oversea experience preferred
- Recent PYP experience and training preferred
Job Benefits:
- Local transportation allowance
- IPS tuitions discount (100% for first child - 50% for the second child)
- Health insurance
- End of service pay
**Job Description**:
- Actively promote and model the Mission, Beliefs, and Graduate Profile of IPS
- Determines with the relevant administrator appropriate learning objectives for the class, taking into account the school’s course of study and the assessed needs of the students
- Establish and maintain a positive, respectful, and constructive relationship with students, parents, and colleagues.
- Plans appropriate learning experiences for individual, group, and class instruction
- Develop Unit plans in collaboration with colleagues and present them to the Curriculum Coordinator when required;
- Monitors student progress and evaluates the student’s achievement of learning objectives
- Reports individual student's progress to parents and school personnel through the preparation of reports and/or conferences
- Creates, a functional, safe, attractive, and physically comfortable environment to the extent possible
- Maintains professional competence through participation in in-service education activities provided by the school and/or self-selected professional growth activities
- Performs basic attendance accounting, record keeping, and clerical services as assigned
- Assists in the selection and requisitioning of books, instructional aids, and supplies to the extent possible.
- Establishes and maintains acceptable standards of students' behavior
- Administers any school testing program required by the administration
- Participates in curriculum development, program planning, school evaluation processes, and other faculty committees as required by the school administration
- Shares in the sponsorship of student activities
- Plans and coordinates the work of aids, and teacher assistants where appropriate
- Works with colleagues, ancillary staff, parents, and community agencies in matters of mutual concern
- Participates with the administration to develop a continuous improvement plan for both the individual teacher and the school
- Attend and participate in all faculty meetings and general student assemblies and evening and weekend programs as appropriate.
- Be available to accommodate parents and students seeking after-school appointments. Attend all assigned parent conferences.
- Accept responsibility for extracurricular activities and provide 2 after-school clubs per year.